About Store

Starting from 2013, the online store NosiEto.com.ua provides its customers with a set of services, which, up to the arrival of a high-yakish robe, bags, and accessories of the largest brands, “big” light brands.

NosiEto, as an intermediary, take upon yourself the virіshennya pitan stosovno zakupіvlі merchandise without intermediary from the picker, pay і to the receipt of payment, revіrki yakostі commodіv, і delivery to oberzhuvach. We buy speeches from post-employees individually for you, for your initiative, for your instructions.

As a rule, NosiEto.com.ua can't store the goods at the warehouse, ale deyakі, the most popular models can be in the presence and availability to the primіrka, the turn and the exchange.

Our office and warehouse will be received, and the requisitions and administration offices are located near Kiev. The main sphere of business embraces Ukraine, but we are successful in making sure that goods are delivered to the point of the world. As of today, we have already worked in such countries as Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Germany, Belgium, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Ugorshchina, Nimechchina, Holland, Greece, Georgia, Denmark, Israel, Spain, Italy , Kazakhstan, Canada, Cyprus, Latvia , Lithuania, Mexico, Moldova, Norway, UAE, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, USA, Turkey, France, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, Estonia. Zavdyaki bagatorіchny dosvіd u sferі selling clothes and vzutya, operators NosiEto zavzhdi can give yakіsnu konsultatsiyu schodo pіdborom goods that dopomozhut as accurately as possible znachiti z rozmіrom.

For our clients, we present a handy and on-line catalog of goods, which is constantly updated, available for 24 years for production in any place in the world, on the Internet. Today we add new products to the site, so that they reflect the rest of the light fashion. At least 100 new models are being added at a premium. These commodities, which seem to become a trend, and may drink a high drink in the midst of exclusive speeches.
For the safety of our clients, we propose various payment options: bank cards, bank account cards, electronic pennies, terms and conditions.


We are an officially registered business, which works on the reputation and aims at the development of a way of satisfying the needs of our customers with fashionable and exclusive clothes, and accessories. Therefore, everything is possible so that you can easily and safely purchase goods of high quality branded goods at low prices without intermediary from wholesalers.


The mission of Nosi Eto is to bring your clients closer to the most advanced trends in light fashion, regardless of your place of residence, depending on your social status.

NosiEto.com.ua is your trusted guide and partner in the world of modern fashion!